The truth in popular Trumpism
Most Brits recognise that Donald Trump is a dangerous figurehead of a dangerous movement, one that’s stoked the fires of bigotry in ways we never thought possible, since its inception last year. He is widely recognised as being an incompetent buffoon – he is no longer allowed access to his own Twitter, for example – and yet, his support continues to be large. His rise is unprecedented; if he won, he would be only the fourth President of the United States not to have previously held political office. Why does he garner so much support from the average American if he stands for hurt and bigotry? It seems obvious, but the fact of the matter is that the underlying motivations of making America great again are not rooted in hatred, but hope. Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, is a bastion of the establishment. People support her for a variety of reasons, but one of the greatest is the sheer horror provoked by the idea of a Trump presidency. Hillary is knowab...