Books of 2024

Hullo! A week on from the new year and I thought it the best time to cover off the five books that really did a number in me this year. While I read (some) more, with each of these I finished with the feeling that they'd made some contribution to my way of thinking, be it about politics, people, cities, what happens when you die, why William Morris is really great... You know, relatable stuff like that. So let me take you through each of them now - in no particular order. 1. Soft City by Jonathan Raban This one proved to be shockingly perceptive on themes of place and what makes a city a habitable space to live (or not). Raban writes about London with an affection that's couched in realism. He knows that it has its problems, but he knows those problems aren't necessarily caused by the citizens. He sees scarps of capital but the lived experience made within them is always what shines through. And that seems to be the point Raban is making, that there's somethin...