What London Makes

Absolutely no shade if you're from a chocolate box town, a financialised city or (god forbid) the countryside. Thing is, we can't all be so lucky. Astride rivers and seafronts in every corner sit towns that have seen better days, home to dastardly half-empty high streets that die at 5 o'clock sharp, eerily quiet industrial estates, suburbs with no character and few amenities save the Harvester. On a bad day, you could tar most towns (and even some cities) in England with this brush. It is an immediate experience, and it's not hard to find; every time I go home, I can find the canal always more brown than green than blue, I can find the shopping trollies and cans and needles, I can find the streets you don't go down because the streetlights have already been switched off. And yet! Living in London, the city with something for everyone, you start to forget these images in favour of this gleaming cosmopolitanism, pedestrianised streets and pocket parks. Lo...