Albums of 2023

The nights are drawing in, 2023 is drawing to a close, I'm drawing a musical blank. Usually it's so easy to reinvoke the albums that meant something to me in the year! I've done it for four years now, each time coming up with a mollycoddle of crap indie and semi-good post-punk/other that may or may not be from the year it's supposed to be from. This year, however, in part thanks to Rough Trade East, and in part thanks to someone with better musical taste than me, I've tried to come up with seven albums from this year, actually from this year that I think are actually good... And then three that aren't. Look, need a bit of leeway for the ol' sentimentality. So listen up! Or read on! I really couldn't care less! BLOGGING. 1. Snake Sideways by Do Nothing Come on Claude, at least start with one that you didn't nick from Rough Trade's list. Okay, here's Snake Sideways, the first full-length LP from Nottinghams...