A poor relative: against Crossrail 2

1. BAIL OUT TfL, BAIL ON CROSSRAIL Sadiq Khan can count himself lucky for the latest bailout package TfL has received from the Department for Transport. Not because it is particularly large or unprecedented, because it isn’t, but because it was a particularly hard-fought battle. Despite being prepared to offer an immediate bailout to train operating companies, the government was not prepared to issue an additional bailout to TfL unless they agreed to substantial changes. These included scrapping the Zip and Freedom passes (forcing under-18s and over-60s to pay for travel regardless of circumstance) and the extension of the Congestion Charge (which I’ve already explained would be a poor policy decision). The demands posed by the DfT are exceptional themselves given the amount that TfL makes back from subsidy; compared to other transport networks, under normal circumstances, the London Underground makes back 1.2x its costs in revenue. That's incredible compared to the New York s...