Power to the (pedantic) people: Why we should care about TfL's new dotted lines

Hello! Back from the dead after finishing my dissertation, of which you can read a jazzed-up version here . This piece, however, is on something completely different, a topic I've dabbled in that remains close to my heart: the Tube Map. Aficionados amongst you are probably already aware that the newest iteration of the Tube Map is different to the old one. Okay, it'd be weird if it wasn't. But the difference with this one is particularly radical and novel. It meant adding a kink in the characteristically straight Metropolitan Line at Finchley Road, and it finally admitted that Camden Road is dead close to Camden Town. This piece will argue that this particular change is momentous, more momentous than most of us realise. Not just because it added another level of pseudo-ergonomic complexity to the car crash that is the complete Tube Map , but because it could revolutionise how we use the Tube. In 2017, on the cusp of my mediocre "career" as a journalist, ...