Hearty Skyrim nostalgia

It’s hard to deal in absolutes. My friend often reminds me how her favourite novel is The Unbearable Lightness of Being, while I respond with incredulity at how hard I find it to even create a shortlist. Faced with the challenge of pinning down the indubitable be all and end all of literally anything - from books to music to contemptibly obscure French philosophers - is a struggle for me, as someone prone to near constant indecision. And yet, despite this quirk, there’s one superlative that I’ve always had an answer for. My favourite video game is still, without a shadow of a doubt, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This opinion was hardly avant-garde when I formulated it in the spring of 2012 thanks to an Xbox 360 copy of the aforementioned game, but it had become slightly unfashionable by 2016 when I doubled down with the PC port of Skyrim: Legendary Edition. Since then, Skyrim has fallen down a particularly problematic rabbit hole , but that’s not the reason I’m writing this articl...