Check your vehicular privilege

I have a peculiar history when it comes to being a ‘road user’. I actually had my first go in the drivers’ seat of my mum’s Smart 4x4 before I learnt to ride a bike: aged 16, an embarrassing race against time in preparation for a school trip to Rendlesham Forest. The go in the car happened just a few months prior, in a field just opposite where I learnt to cycle. Of course, I got the hang of the bike a bit quicker than the car; I would be 19 before I could drive with a full license. But then cycling was metaphorically resigned to the back seat, to cycle hire romps and Santander Cycles. Meanwhile, I drove up the various arterial spines of the UK and, clips in multi-story car parks aside, it was all very comfortable. I took up cycling again last summer as a distraction, and, finally riding on routes I’d rode to death in the car, I realised the difference. For the first time in years, I was afraid to use the road. Why? Cycling has been, for the best part of the last century , a ni...