
Showing posts from July, 2016

Theresa May's second husband: Trident

A belief in unilateral nuclear disarmament for moral reasons is an unfounded belief that puts the lives of every person living on this grey old island at risk. A belief in multilateral nuclear disarmament, however, is just as unfounded. The cold war between Russia and the United States that started more than half a century ago is ongoing, and the matchup between their nuclear arsenals (and that of upcoming superpowers such as China) does not falter . The sad truth is that the numbers alone tell a story of a bleak future. Our future will be one where mutually assured destruction is always a risk, no matter how petite that risk may be. Given that, why bother to oppose Trident? If the American stockpile is worth holding onto, why not the same for the United Kingdom? In complete honesty, it can be proven; all you need is A2 Economics, basic political theory, and the omnipresent Prisoner’s Dilemma (Cooperation Problem). To further explain why nuclear winter will never cease to be a r...

The threat of various eagles

It seems as though the experiment of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party is coming to an end. However, the left wing of party supporters are fighting to the end for his survival as leader, despite the fact that any prolonging of the infighting the party has become famed for in the past year will only make the struggle harder. What remains to be seen is what the next leader of the Labour Party needs to hold close when it comes to their values, policies and ideology in order to maintain what the labour movement stands for, whilst simultaneously appealing to the voters that are by and large turning to populist movements such as UKIP and away from the values Corbyn’s Labour stands for, as evidenced by recent elections in the North and the EU referendum: “ if you haven’t got money, you vote out ” . We must be prepared to admit that Corbyn has made multiple mistakes in his time in office. His heavy anti-Zionist bias, for example, has created division amongst Labour’s Jewis...